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Our Trust

Welcome to Our Trust

Our mission is to enrich the lives of every child in our Trust by providing inspiring and transformational learning, cultural and life experiences.

We harness the collective power of the schools that make up Greensand Multi Academy Trust through maximising the opportunities for collaboration and supporting the work and progress of others. 

We challenge ourselves to always be even better tomorrow than we are today, always striving to provide an excellent education and helping every child to step into their greatness.

Growing Great Schools

What is Greensand Multi Academy Trust?

Our Trust was formed in 2017 by a group of highly experienced school leaders who believed that their own schools could be even better through a formal partnership where collaboration is compulsory, support to others is given generously and challenge is both provided and received with honesty and kindness.

Greensand Multi Academy Trust brings together a group of schools in Surrey and West Sussex, each with its unique strengths and attributes, united by a shared vision of excellence in education. By fostering a strong sense of community and partnership, we ensure that our schools share best practice, resources and expertise, creating an environment where every child can thrive.

By Helping Staff Step into their Greatness

Providing high quality professional development for our staff is at the heart of our Trust. We believe that continuous learning is the key to individual wellbeing and professional success.

Our approach to teaching and learning is underpinned by the latest educational research and best practices, ensuring that our children receive the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.

We provide professional development pathways for all staff with access to cutting-edge workshops, training sessions and resources to empower our staff with the knowledge and skills needed to help them step into their greatness.

So that children step into their greatness

Our team of dedicated staff work tirelessly to ensure that every child receives a well-rounded education that nurtures their individual strengths and talents. We provide an inclusive and holistic education, promoting not only academic achievement but also personal growth, character development and social responsibility. Our commitment to extracurricular activities, sports and the arts enables our children to explore their passions, build confidence and find pursuits that will provide lifelong fulfilment.

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the schools’ Trust, our member schools and the exceptional opportunities we offer children and staff. As we continue to evolve and grow our education Trust, we welcome feedback and suggestions to enhance our services and strengthen our partnerships.

Thank you for visiting.

Sue Wardlow, CEO