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Our Team

Our Team

The Trust Executive Team delivers the strategy of the Board of Trustees and provides leadership and shared support to the schools in the Trust, under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer, Sue Wardlow.  Within the Trust Executive Team, there are two strategic teams focussing on business and education.

Greensand Multi Academy Trust Business & Education Structure

Teachers, support staff, trustees, governors, parents and pupils all make up Greensand Multi Academy Trust, which is founded on the principles of collaboration, support and challenge.

You can find out more about the Greensand Members and the Greensand Board of Trustees on the Governance page of our website.

Mrs A Holmes

Mrs A Holmes

Headteacher Milton Mount Primary School


Anne has worked in education since 1987. She has experience of being a Headteacher in two schools, a First School and is currently the Headteacher of Milton Mount Primary School. She has worked alongside other schools in the role of School Improvement Partner.