We hope you all had a restful half term break. We are beginning to widen out the topics covered to ensure all aspects of the Greensand PACE model are included. This fortnight, we turn to the Assessment principle.
One method of formatively assessing our students is through questioning. There has been much discussion in education over the last few years about how cold calling can allow teachers to target individual students to assess their understanding.
This video, a discussion between psychologist and author, Bradley Busch, and author and geography teacher, Michael Chiles, discusses a range of practical tips linked with questioning, including how to deal with the 'don't know' answer, and why the silence which goes hand in hand with 'wait time' can be tricky for teachers to implement.
Questioning in the Classroom: a Conversation Between Michael Chiles & Bradley Busch We talked to Michael Chiles, an Assistant Principal and author of the upcoming book "Powerful Questioning" about questioning, cold-calling, and his advice so teachers can combat "I don't know" answers. He and Bradley Busch have also co-written a blog to accompany this video: https://blog.innerdrive.co.uk/10-ways-deal-with-questions 00:00 ... |